Without shoes

Categories Without, published on Wednesday, 14. March 2018, last modification: Tuesday, 5. June 2018

I live barefoot.

With Egoism

Categories With, published on Sunday, 11. March 2018, last modification: Sunday, 8. April 2018

I call myself egoistic because I have the intention to be always at lovely places and surrounded by nice people. To increase the amount of places where I am welcomed and where I feel good. And that means to take care for my environment and that the people around me are in good mood.


Categories With, published on Saturday, 10. March 2018, last modification: Saturday, 10. March 2018

In this category I will talk about things that I live with. The contrast to my naming of things I try to avoid or leave behind what is often much more easy than to go for something. Things I chose hopefully wisely but at least consciously.

Continue reading “With”

Without bullshit

Categories Without, published on Monday, 5. March 2018, last modification: Sunday, 26. August 2018

It is all about not doing any bullshit if I know that it’s bullshit. Even if no one else is noticing and knowing that it is my work.


Categories Without, published on Wednesday, 28. February 2018, last modification: Wednesday, 11. April 2018

Sorry, this entry is only available in German.

Es mag so wirken, als hätte ich im Titel etwas vergessen und konsequenterweise hätte ich komplett ohne Titel beginnen müssen, aber es soll tatsächlich um das Fehlen gehen. Oder eher um das Weglassen. Mein Vorhaben ist es in einigen zukünftigen Blogbeiträgen über Dinge zu schreiben, ohne die ich auskomme und lebe oder es zumindest anstrebe; weil ich es will. Es geht also nicht um Verlust oder Verzicht, sondern eine Freimachung und Loslösung.

Continue reading “Without”